• 214.760.1964
  • referrals@legacypsychology.com
  • 1341 W. Mockingbird Lane Suite #760W Dallas, TX 75247

A unique practice that specializes in providing comprehensive psychological evaluations for children, adolescents, and adults.

Role of Legacy Assessment Group in Foster Population

We specialize in conducting thorough psychological evaluations on children in terms of their cognitive, academic, emotional and social as well as how they are adjusting in their foster home.

Children in foster care need to be assessed in all aspects. A child may seem to be functioning well in one area but may experience difficulties in other areas. We bridge the gap and address the issues by providing necessary information and providing the best course of action.

Compassion and respect for children in foster care

Many children coming to us feel scared, sad or confused. It is our priority to be compassionate and respectful when working with children. By acknowledging their emotional and psychological condition, we conduct thorough psychological evaluations that honor the child’s boundaries.

Call us at +1 (214) 764-1964 to consult on the ideal time to meet with a foster child.

Our tailored recommendations help children experience happy and full lives.

Referrals from CPS Case Managers and Caseworkers within Foster Agencies

If you are a CPS case manager or a caseworker from a foster agency, you may submit a referral using our Referral Form.

We encourage you to call us to discuss the situation at +1 (214) 764-1964.

Refer a child settling in his new foster home

For a better psychological evaluation, it is important that the child be referred to us once he is in his foster home for a few weeks. This will give us a better assessment on how the child is adjusting to the new situation.

We recommend that you get in touch with us at +1 (214) 764-1964 to discuss the situation and schedule an evaluation at the most appropriate time given the current child’s circumstances.

Identifying the underlying trauma within the foster population

When doing our psychological evaluation within the foster population, we look beyond their behavior and find out the underlying cause of their trauma. Usually, people would rather address the symptoms to make their lives easier but we recommend remediation of the underlying cause of trauma for long-term benefits. And it’s the right thing to do.

Children in foster care often experience trauma brought about by inconsistent parenting from violent and neglective parents. They usually end up traumatized and with negative impact on their brain development as well as their emotional and executive functioning.

Sometimes we meet kids with no remorse as they haven’t been taught the difference between right and wrong. They may have behaviors like stealing or aggression which can be caused by parents that haven’t taught them right and wrong. This will all be taken into account when making the psychological evaluation. With this complete picture we can recommend the best course of action.

Most of the children build a wall when it comes to the topic of their family. When the kids have left some topics of discussion closed off, our main concern is to know how they are coping with the current situation. This doesn’t prevent us from having a strong psychological evaluation and the process is always done with respect. The entire process is done in respect of boundaries. The good thing about Legacy Assessment Group is that Dr. Jafarza-deh is more than capable of getting these kids to open up and verbalize their feelings.

If you want to refer a child in foster care for psychological evaluation, please fill up our Referral Form.

Do you suspect a situation of child abuse or neglect?

It is usually in the best interest of children to live with their families. But in some circumstances, some families are unable to provide the needs of their children or may impose harm to them. If you suspect that a child is in a situation where he is experiencing neglect, physical abuse or sexual abuse please contact Child Protective Services.

By Phone: 1-800-252-5400

You can call their Abuse Hotline toll-free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, nationwide, or report with their secure website and get a response within 24 hours. Visit their website at www.dfps.state.tx.us/Contact_Us/report_abuse.asp.

Contact Us

For further information, please contact the Legacy Assessment Group at referrals@legacypsychology.com or 214-760-1964. We will be happy to provide a brief phone consultation where questions can be answered and an evaluation will be scheduled if determined appropriate.


  • 214.760.1964
  • referrals@legacypsychology.com
  • 1341 W. Mockingbird Lane Suite #760W Dallas, TX 75247


A unique practice that specializes in providing comprehensive psychological evaluations for children, adolescents, and adults.

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